In the Community
Christ calls us to make a difference in the lives of others, and that’s what our parish strives to do. Get involved and build community while you help others. If you have an idea for a particular program that you don’t see here, let us know. We would be happy to create it!
St. Vincent De Paul Society
St. Vincent de Paul Society helps families in our area who are facing a crisis. We provide food, clothing, rental and utility assistance, and most importantly spiritual support. The generosity of our parishioners makes this possible.
To donate, you can:
- Place your cash or check made out to St. Vincent de Paul in an envelope marked “SVdP” in the Poor Box located between the doors in the gathering area.
- Place your cash or check made out to St. Vincent de Paul in the collection during Mass.
- Donate online
On behalf of the families we serve, thank you for your generosity. For more information or to join the group, please contact us at 904-330-0153 or
The first weekend of each month the St Vincent de Paul Society will collect clothing and the Knights of Columbus will collect food donations.
If you would like to donate clothing and it is not the first weekend of the month, please bring your donation directly to the SVdP Thrift Shop in St. Augustine (clothing) and Catholic Charities (food).
Knights of Columbus
Our Mission:
Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.
Knights come from every stage of life, in countless corners of the world. Join us as we celebrate real role models in a world that needs men who lead, serve, protect and defend.
The Knights of Columbus Council #16492 serve the community of St. John Paul II Catholic Church. Among the many services they provide are the Lenten Fish Frys, Pancake Breakfasts, rosary and prayer activities, food drives, and many other outreach programs.
Join Here:
Ministry to the Sick & the Homebound
Ministers to the Sick & Homebound work in collaboration with parish clergy, the sacristans, and the parish office to make Christ present to those persons and families in our parish who cannot attend Sunday celebrations of the Eucharist due to illness, physical or other disability, or similar problems. The time commitment varies depending on the needs of our community.
Participants in this ministry pray and also make themselves available to perform acts of charity and the corporal and spiritual works of mercy for the homebound. Some of the participants in this ministry are authorized to distribute Holy Communion following the recommendations of our pastor and the Rite of Commissioning.
If you feel called to serve as a Minister to the Sick & the Homebound, please text “GOTJESUS” to 84576 to register for Flocknote and select the “Ministry to the Sick” group to request to join the ministry, or email
Our core team will contact you to set up an orientation and training session. If you become a Minister to the Sick & the Homebound, the core team leader will work to schedule you for home visits.
Prison Ministry
God calls us to “continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison…” (Hebrews 13:1-3). Our Prison Ministry reaches out to those who are incarcerated by praying with them and letting them know they are not alone. Consider sharing your love of Christ with those who need it the most.
Respect Life Ministry
As Catholics we believe that all life is precious, from conception through natural death. Join our group and share your passion for life through our mission. For more information, contact
Senior Care Resources
Are you the caretaker of a senior family member? Do you have questions about senior care and the options available? offers information and resources to assist you in deciding what is best for your family member. Visit our resources for more information.
Memory Care Facilities in Florida
Memory Care through
Do you have questions about assisted living?
The guides below are designed to help seniors and their families learn more about assisted living, its services, and its costs. The guides also cover details of financial assistance options for assisted living and the aspects one should focus on when choosing a community for themselves or a loved one. is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. AARP has featured us, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center, and Forbes, as well as referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the Internet.
Youth Resources
More to come!
Click the link below for resources for college students with substance abuse issues.

At St. John Paul II, it is the community of parishioners, working together to serve God and to serve one another, that enriches our lives and helps us grow in love as God’s people. See how you can help!