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Welcome to Bible Study!
The scriptures are taught to “lead believers to the full truth and make the Word of Christ dwell in them in all its richness.” CCC 79
Our studies are open to all men and women who are interested in learning and sharing the Word of God. We seek to build community, as well as grow a deeper understanding of the Bible.
The SJPII Bible Study meets most Thursday mornings at 9:45-11:45 am in the Church Hall during the fall and spring. Watch the church bulletin for announcement of dates and study topics. There is no charge to participate in the studies, but study guides are occasionally available for purchase.
We welcome you to join us, meet your fellow parishioners, and grow in the knowledge and application of the scriptures.
Sign up here through Flocknote, or reach out to the ministry leads at
Complete and submit the form below to reigster for the Fall 2024 Bible Study.

What is the Career Ministry?
SJPII’s Career Ministry is a parishioner-led mentoring ministry designed to support our fellow brothers and sisters seeking permanent or part-time employment due to job loss, a desire or need for a job change, and recent graduates ready to begin their careers.
Our Objective: To provide professional and spiritual support, advice, insight, career coaching, and professional networking to job seekers.
Our Desired Outcome: Ministry participants will develop increased confidence and refined, focused job search skills that will appropriately position them to secure their desired positions during these challenging, uncertain times in their lives
Who Are We?
Our Career Ministry is a collaborative group of dedicated career-minded volunteers directed at our SJPII parishioners, but welcoming to all job seekers in our community who are:
- Unemployed or underemployed
- Currently employed but seeking to do better
- Recent graduates seeking their first professional position
- Retirees with a desire to re-enter the work community
We also welcome parishioners who are presently employed, or those who are retired, that have a desire to mentor others by sharing their professional or personal experiences in areas including:
- Professional networking
- Subject matter experts for specific job searches
- Specialized skills from previous career experiences
- Employment-based coaching and career advice
- Cultivating the confidence and focus needed for success
Where You Can Join Us:
The SJPII Career Ministry meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 5:30pm in the church.
Meetings generally observe the following format:
- Opening prayer and brief introductions
- Planned presentations and sharing of specific job search insights
- Open forum discussions and/or small group workshop opportunities
- Closing prayer and informal networking and fellowship

Come spend time with Jesus!
Come spend time with our Lord. Eucharistic Adoration takes place every Wednesday from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, followed by evening prayer and benediction. Simply stop in: our Lord will be waiting for you. Contact Pam Dewey at for more information or to sign up to be an Adoration Captain.

Financial Education Ministry!
Financial Planning Bible Study
The Faith & Money Matters Bible study has begun. This 6-week study will help you increase savings, reduce personal debt, grow closer to God, and strengthen personal relationships. But most importantly it will help you learn the spiritual impacts of how you use money and possessions. 1 Timothy 6:9-10 is one of the most misquoted verses in the Bible. It reads: “For the love of money is the root of all evils, and some people in their desire for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains.”
Money is simply a tool with no inherent value. Money is not evil. What can be evil is our love of money when it becomes so important to us that it takes our focus away from what is good and true.
Join us for this study and we’ll challenge ourselves about how the American cultural attitude toward money and possessions can impact our faith life.
Questions? Contact Ted Brauch or Tina James
FORMED Faith Enhancement Ministry
The FORMED Faith Enhancement Ministry encourages, simplifies, and instructs in the use of, an online platform of Catholic content from the Augustine Institute. This ministry serves the general parish population and is a support resource for all other parish ministries.
The Augustine Institutes’ FORMED platform has an extensive library of Catholic faith-based content. Our own Father Pagano has partnered with the Augustine Institute to create a new series which will be available soon on FORMED.
FORMED content is topic-based and very relevant to all Catholics. Their video library covers all elements of our Catholic faith as well as subject areas relevant to today’s society. It provides content for adults, kids of all ages, and Spanish-speaking parishioners.
Using FORMED content results in deeper spirituality, greater understanding and appreciation of our Catholic Faith, and creates a passion to better know, love and serve our God and each other.
We create weekly “Picks of the Week” in the bulletin, weekly parish email, and social media sites to help direct users to content that aligns with the liturgical calendar and is most relevant to our parish. We also provide resources to support other parish ministry leads in achieving their ministry objectives.
To set up your free account visit and insert the SJPII zip code (32081)
Ministry Contacts:
Tony Merenda and John Essegian are the ministry leads and can be reached at
The purpose of the Grace & Recovery Ministry is to bring freedom to those who love someone with an addiction and those personally struggling with addiction. We are here, in complete anonymity, to support one’s personal recovery journey, rooted in the 12 Steps of Recovery, with an understanding of God’s Mercy using the traditions related to our Christian beliefs. We rely on our faithful understanding of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Higher power, who, with the Holy Spirit, is accessible to us right here, right now. We hope that we can find a personal relationship with Christ as we heal through each other’s experiences, strengths, and hopes as we grow through our journey in recovery.
This group typically meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays each month at 7pm in the main Church hall. All are welcome.
Sign up here through Flocknote or reach out to the ministry leads directly at:
The Homebound Ministry provides Eucharistic visitation to those unable to attend Mass, such as the homebound, those in assisted living facilities or hospitalized. This ministry demonstrates care and concern for the sick from our faith community, and provides the opportunity to pray with others and to receive the Eucharist. If you feel called to join this ministry, please contact with any questions.
If you or someone you know needs a Homebound Eucharistic Minister to visit, please contact
Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.
Check out the Knights of Columbus by clicking HERE.
Or visit:
Participating in the Mass as a liturgical minister is a beautiful experience. If you would like to be a lector, an Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister, an usher/ hospitality minister, an altar server, or a sacristan, learn more about each ministry and volunteer where you are called to serve.
Proclaiming the Word of God is an awesome privilege and responsibility. If you feel called to serve as a lector, please text “GOTJESUS” to 84576 to register for Flocknote and select the “SJPII Lectors” group to request to join the Lector Ministry.
Our Lector core team will contact you to set up an orientation and training session. If you become a Lector, you will be able to sign up to lector at Masses through Signup Genius.
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)
EHMCs have the privilege of administering Holy Communion, the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, to our brothers and sisters in the congregation. Through this humble service, God unites you to your fellow members of the Body of Christ and actually forms all of us in the body. Your love for Christ present in the Eucharist and in His people will make the Body and Blood you minister to others genuine signs of Christ’s self-sacrifice and your own. The Sacred Species that you minister to others will be outward signs of love that flow from the heart of Christ and from your own heart.
This is a great honor and a wonderful way to serve our St. John Paul II Parish Family. Know that you are a Minister, not just a Holy Communion distributer. Sharing the Body and Blood of our Lord forms us more intimately into the Body of Christ bringing us into communion with Him and with each other.
If you feel called to serve as an EHMC, please text “GOTJESUS” to 84576 to register for Flocknote and select the “SJPII EEMs” group to request to join the EMHC Ministry.
Our EMHC core team will contact you to set up an orientation and training session. If you become an EMHC, you will be able to sign up to serve at Masses through Signup Genius.
Current EMHCs, please click here to sign up and view the schedule: Sign Up Genius for EMHCs
Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers)
From welcoming people with a warm smile and a friendly greeting, to helping people find a seat and wishing them a beautiful week as you hand them a bulletin, our Ministers of Hospitality express to our parishioners and visitors how happy we are that they are here. People of all ages are welcome to participate, especially in greeting and welcoming our visitors.
If you feel called to serve as a Minister of Hospitality, please text “GOTJESUS” to 84576 to register for Flocknote and select the “SJPII Ushers” group to request to join the Ministry of Hospitality.
Our core team will contact you to set up an orientation and training session. If you become a Minister of Hospitality, you will be able to sign up to serve at Masses. We always welcome extra help at any of our Holiday Masses.
Altar Servers
All children who have received their First Holy Communion are invited to become altar servers. This is a wonderful way to deepen your commitment to the Mass. To find out more, contact
The responsibility of setting up the Mass, including preparing the hosts, the vessels, and the readings for the Mass, lies with the sacristan. As the main point person for the clergy and liturgical ministers, the sacristan should know the flow of the Mass, the roles of the liturgical ministers, and be available to attend to anything the clergy may need. In addition to weekday and weekend Masses, the sacristans also help prepare for the rituals of baptism, marriage, and funerals.
If you feel called to serve as a sacristan, please text “GOTJESUS” to 84576 to register for Flocknote and select the “SJPII Sacristans” group to request to join the ministry.
Our core team will contact you to set up an orientation and training session. If you become a sacristan, you will be added to the schedule that is maintained by our core team.

The St John Paul II Community believes that no one should grieve alone. In service and support of our parishioners and community, the Ministry of Consolation (MOC) assists our pastor and staff in providing outreach through bereavement and spiritual support for parishioners who have experienced the death of a family member or friend. The MOC will pray for and with each family and attempt to bring comfort and consolation to all the bereaved through the following Bereavement Support Ministries.
The Ministry of Consolation (MOC) offers four programs to support our parishioners and community. They include:
Family Funeral Liturgy Assistance Ministry
Volunteers support families at the time of a family member or friend’s death and assist them in planning the funeral liturgy. Volunteers meet with the family and guide the selection of reading and songs for the Mass. Volunteers attend the funeral and support and assist the family before, during and after the Liturgy. Please contact
The Ministry volunteers will also meet with individuals who would like to plan his or her Funeral Liturgy before death. Please contact
Bereavement Ministry:
After the funeral, volunteers support bereaved for a year through frequent communication with Thinking of You notes. Families are also offered support by telephone and provided with support groups and bereavement information and are invited to a Mass of Remembrance in November. A Mass, specific for the deceased, is also offered in November and the family may be able to process the gifts to the altar.
To enroll a family or friend, please contact
iCare Grief Support Group Volunteers:
Provides support groups to parishioners and the community. The groups meet for six weeks and newly bereaved and those continuing to grieve a loved one are welcome. Groups for specific types of grief will be offered as requested or needed.
The Support Group provides comfort and gentle guidance as participants walk through the journey of grief, mourning and bereavement while growing in faith, sharing common grief challenges, and engaging in spiritual journaling.
For more information and to register, email
A monthly Coffee and Conversation is held on the 4th Monday at 10:00 Am for widowers and widows.
Facilitators are all retired grief specialists who use the iCare Grief Support Manuals as well as other resources.
Prayer Shawl Volunteers:
Volunteers knit, crochet, sew, prepare, and pray over yarn, fabric and fleece shawls bringing God’s message of kindness and compassion through their gifts. Donations of yarn and/or one ½ yard of fleece are gratefully accepted. Prayer Shawls are available for those in need of God’s presence, strength, and blessings. Recipients of shawls may be suffering from an illness, a death, or experiencing a challenging time and may be helped from a tangible demonstration of God’s love.
To request a shawl or for more information, please contact
Day Meeting: The first and third Thursdays, from 2:00 – 3:30 pm in the back of the church.
Evening Meeting: Second and Fourth Monday 6:30 – 8 PM Chapel
Tweens & Teens: Second and Fourth Monday 5 – 6:30 PM Chapel
New volunteers as well as yarn are always needed and welcomed!
In addition to their specific Ministry roles, all the volunteers, participate in the following:
- Ministry Fair at Parish Event in March, September, October, and December.
- Dinner for Confirmadi Students
- Annual Volunteer Social May Meeting
- International Bereaved Mother Day in May
- Raffle Basket for the Gala in October
- Worldwide Candle Lighting second Sunday in December
St. John Paul II Catholic Church, an active, dynamic community of faith in Ponte Vedra, has many opportunities for people with vocal and instrumental talents to participate in the Mass as cantors and musicians.
If you are interested in joining the music ministry please email
The Patriotic Rosary Ministry welcomes all members of our Parish community to join us in reciting and honoring this special Rosary. The Patriotic Rosary is an opportunity for us to join our prayers as one voice to our Blessed Mother and ask for the healing of our country and wisdom for our leaders at a time when our country is in a moral, ethical, and spiritual decline.
The Patriotic Rosary meets on a quarterly basis, typically in the morning of the 2nd Saturday of the month. Together, we will pray with intent in honor of the following special days of our faith and country:
January, to commemorate the Solemnity of Mary
May, to commemorate Memorial Day
July, to commemorate Independence Day
September, to commemorate Patriots’ Day
This Rosary is conducted simultaneously, inside the Church Hall, and on the grounds of SJPII as a Walking Patriotic Rosary. Coffee & donuts, and time for fellowship, are offered at the conclusion of the Rosary. It is a beautiful way to come together, for a brief time in our weekend, and pray for a special purpose together.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Patriotic Ministry volunteer team, please call the office at 904.330.0153, or email or Volunteer Ministry at God bless!
Ministry of Consolation Prayer Shawl Program
The Prayer Shawl Program Volunteers meet the first and third Thursdays, from 2:00 – 3:30pm at St. John Paul II. New volunteers are always needed and welcomed!
Volunteers knit, crochet, sew, prepare, and pray over yarn, fabric and fleece shawls bringing God’s message of kindness and compassion through their gifts.
Donations of yarn and/or one ½ yard of fleece are gratefully accepted.
Prayer Shawls are available for those in need of God’s presence, strength, and blessings. Recipients of shawls may be suffering from an illness, a death, or experiencing a difficult time. Shawls may also be given to a family or individual who may be helped from a tangible demonstration of God’s love.
To request a shawl or for more information, please contact the program facilitator: Mary Therese Capone:, 631-413-7267.
The Respect Life Ministry (RLM) at St John Paull II Catholic Church seeks to protect the sanctity of life through prayer and advocacy. We do this through increasing awareness of events, activities and opportunities to advocate within our Parish, Diocese and larger community.
If you are looking for additional information and resources regarding our ministry, please contact our RLM Leads at Parishioners can request to join RLM via Flocknote at Additionally, please check out the bulletin regularly for the latest info on meetings and events.
Our ministry is an extension of the Human Life and Dignity office of the Diocese of St. Augustine; you can access their information at
~Enthrone Jesus as King of your family & Invite Our Lady to be the Queen~
* Place a blessed image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in a central part of your home Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in the 17th century and revealed to her His Sacred Heart, which so loved men but has been loved so little in return. He asked for devotion to His Most Sacred Heart and gave twelve promises to those who would honor His Sacred Heart. You can read the Twelve Promises. Let us invite Jesus into our hearts and homes to bring us His Peace and Graces for our family life! On June 8th and 9th in 2024, there will be blessed images of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart to take home with you. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone will hear My voice and will open the door to Me, I will enter to him, and I will dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelations 3:20 |
Journeying with Catholic women in their vocation of motherhood to grow closer to Jesus through prayer, fellowship & service.
Moms of all ages & stages are welcome to join the Moms Ministry! We offer many opportunities for moms to connect:
-Prayer & Fellowship
-Moms’ Night Out
-Play Dates
-Service Opportunities…& more!
Please visit our website for more information & join our group in Flocknote to be included on ministry communications!

The Special Needs Ministry welcomes you to join us as we support the integration of all individuals into our faith filled community. Our ministry typically meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:30-7:30pm.
We welcome you to fill out our Special Needs Ministry Survey to share a little about your child or adult with special needs. Special Needs Survey
Mission Statement
To foster inclusiveness within our church community to empower individuals with special needs and their families as full participants in spiritual, sacramental, and social growth at Saint John Paul II Catholic Church.
Vision Statement
To create an environment where all special needs individuals are loved, respected, and embraced with patience as they fully integrate into our Catholic community.
For questions or more information contact:
The Patron Saint of our ministry and disabled individuals,
Blessed Herman of Reichenau, Pray for Us!
Then God said: Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tame animals, all the wild animals, and all the creatures that crawl on the earth. (Genesis 1: 26)
What is Spiritual Direction
The opportunity to companion with a certified spiritual director, guided by the Holy Spirit to identify the movements and actions of God in the individuals’ life; and to discern God’s will, through reading of scripture and other Catholic writings, as well as, developing a disciplined prayer time.
The individual will be praying and asking for graces and virtues through reflecting on scripture, cultivating a structured prayer time, keeping a journal, and meeting with the spiritual director to share and identify the movements of the Holy Spirit in the individuals’ life. The format used is based on Ignatian spirituality.
Role of the Directee
The candidate for spiritual direction should have an interior desire to grow closer to the Lord, be committed to increasing and/or developing a deeper prayer life, and have a commitment to regular meetings with his or her spiritual director.
The following questions can be useful for prayerful consideration and reflection to help you discern readiness for spiritual direction:
- What is God doing in your life now?
- How do you find your prayer experience?
- What is your method of prayer?
- Have you experienced a conversion in your faith life?
- What is your reason for seeking spiritual direction?
Role of the Director
Graduates from the Cenacle of Our Lady of Divine Providence are instructed that the Holy Spirit is the director of the process and are trained in active listening and responding. It is a sacred, confidential relationship. One result of active listening is that the person seeking direction learns to identify and respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit in his or her life.
Some of the functions of the director include:
- Conducting an initial interview to determine fit and process between the director and directee
- Ensuring a safe trusting atmosphere
- Encouraging participation in the sacramental life of the church
- Following the guidelines set forth by the Diocese of St Augustine for Spiritual Directors
It is not within the scope of spiritual direction to offer counseling, advice, or problem solving.
More Information
All inquiries should be sent to or leave name and contact information with the church office at 904-330-0153 and we will contact you.
We have 3 approved Spiritual Directors at SJPII, or we can connect you to other directors from the Marian Servants of the Blessed Sacrament in St. Augustine.
If you have suffered a pregnancy loss, please know that you are not alone. Fellow parishioners have lost children through miscarriage and are here to support and walk with you through your grieving. Contact for prayers and support.
Babes in Arms, Babes in Heaven – A Poem by Maria Riley
Additional Miscarriage Ministry information coming soon.
Check out our webpage and register here:
That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive!
That Man is You! Ministry continues their 3rd season at SJPII “The Vision of Man Fully Alive”
Every Friday at 6am in the church

Whether you are new to our parish, or have been here for a while and are looking for how to become more involved, the Volunteer Ministry is one of the best ways to begin! We are a ministry designed to connect people with each other, to a ministry, or to the church community as a whole.
There are a few ways that the Volunteer Ministry does this:
- By informing you about, or connecting you to, a ministry to join or be involved in—just ask the Volunteer Ministry about our various ministries and they can help connect you to the group(s).
- By letting you share your skills or talents—the Volunteer ministry collects this information, and when a need or project arises within the church/church community, they will contact you to let you know of the project to see if you are interested in helping with it. These can be temporary or seasonal projects (i.e. cooking a meal for a parishioner having surgery, helping to prepare palms for Palm Sunday, stuffing bulletins, carpentry or artistic work, Festival preparation, decorating, etc. ), or something on a continued basis (i.e. small groups leader for a Faith Formation group, office help, etc.).
- By sharing community events that reach out beyond the SJPII parish.
Please reach out to the Volunteer Ministry at with any questions or thoughts!

Walking with Purpose is a women’s Bible study… and so much more!
Visit our webpage for Fall & Spring information and registration. Click below!

Looking to be a part of a community with other young Catholic adults [ages 18-25] who share your faith and values? Seeking to be part of a young Catholic community, where you can talk about your faith and contribute to its outreach? Our Young Adult Ministry is here for that!
This dynamic ministry meets in the evenings, typically at fun establishments, or group activities, around the community. The mission of this ministry is to strengthen our Faith, Evangelism & Discipleship. Our goals are to build solid friendships grounded in faith, and while spending time discussing your faith and values.
If you would like to join other young Catholic adults in our parish community, or are interested in learning more about the SJPII Young Adult Ministry,
please request to join our Flocknote group.
We’re here to provide more information whenever you’re ready!
U.S. Bishops’ Prayer for Young Adults
Gracious and Loving God,
Help these young men and women to be a light for all the world to see,
in all the places they live and work. Let their light shine for all peoples:
for their families,
for their church communities,
for their cultures and societies,
for the economic and political systems,
for the whole world.
Coming into the room where the disciples were gathered after the resurrection,
“Jesus, your son, said: Peace be with you!” (Jn 20:21).
Make these men and women bearers of Christ’s peace.
“Blessed are the peacemakers,
Teach them the meaning of what was said on the mountain:
for they shall be called sons and daughters of God” (cf. Mt 5:9).
Send them, Father, as you sent your son:
to free their brothers and sisters from fear and sin.
We ask this of you, in Christ’s name. Amen.
Adapted from the Papal Homily for WYD 1995, Manila

Children of all ages can participate in the Youth Mass as ushers, lectors, altar servers, Eucharistic Ministers, cantors, choir members and musicians. If your child would like to participate in the Liturgy, please contact Amy at
127 Stonemason Way,
Ponte Vedra, FL 32081