Online Parishioner Registration
1. Create a My Own Church account in ParishSoft: Click here to create a My Own Church account.
A new window will open with the online form. You can click on the tab for this window (Online Parishioner Registration) to refer back to the instructions listed below.
ParishSoft is Church software for Catholic parishes and dioceses. Once you complete the online form for a My Own Church account, SJP2 will review and approve it.
After you create a My Own Church account in ParishSoft, you will be able to add your family information. With your My Own Church account you will be able to edit your family information and see your Giving History of contributions to SJP2.
2. After your account is approved, you will receive an email with your username and a temporary password for your My Own Church account.
3. Click on the link in the email to log in to your My Own Church account in ParishSoft.
4. Change your password from the temporary password to a permanent one that you choose.
5. Log in to your My Own Church account in ParishSoft with your new permanent password.
6. Go to the “My Family” tab to register you and your family. Click on “Family Detail” and complete your registration.
Complete the “Family Details” and the “Member Details” pages.
Join us as Fr. Pagano leads our church community in our Faith celebrations!